How Technology Has Dramatically Changed The Way We Work

Technology has enabled remote work to be more affordable and appealing, which is great news for anyone who yearns to work from home or simply wants a change of scenery. The key question is – how can technology enable you to stay productive while working remotely or at home? Read on to find out! The advent of technology has ushered […]

Cybersecurity Tips and Best Practices for Your Business

As the number of cyberattacks continues to rise, it’s more important than ever for businesses to have a solid cybersecurity plan in place. Since most businesses use the internet today, they require an in-house IT infrastructure or at least outsource their IT needs. But how safe are your data and network from threats and attacks? Well, to find out, the […]

How To Invest in the Metaverse

VR is taking off. With Sony, Facebook, Google, and HTC all investing heavily in the platform and a growing community of independent developers, there are exciting times ahead. Of course, there are also some challenges-some fundamental areas that virtual reality needs to mature. While many of these challenges are technical (like improving the way VR handles motion, for example), one […]

Will the Dogecoin Reach 1 Dollar?

Dogecoin is a digital currency, similar to Bitcoin, that was created in January 2014. The currency’s name is a combination of Doge, a popular internet meme featuring a dog, and the word “coin” in reference to how it is a virtual currency. It quickly became a popular online commodity, and many people have started to invest in it. Dogecoin has […]

Top 5 NFT Trends that will Boom in 2022

NFT is an acronym for “non-fungible token” and refers to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin that use similar technology. NFTs are digital tokens that can represent things like concert tickets, movie tickets, or real estate. NFTs also exert new kinds of control on digital assets in that they are tied to specific items of value, rather than relying on a blockchain like […]

CIOs Are Turning to Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is one of the hottest tech topics of the year. Blockchain has a ton of applications, from secure document storage to registering property rights. And new companies, like IBM, are swinging for the fences with the technology. Plus, regulators are interested, too. For CIOs, blockchain is quickly becoming a major topic of discussion. It’s no secret that blockchain has […]

Careers Paths in the Blockchain Technology Sphere

If you’ve recently graduated high school, you’re probably trying to figure out which career path to take. Maybe you’re looking into college and will be deciding on a major or field of study. Or maybe you’re wondering how to get a job that works for you, and it seems like everyone on the internet has a different opinion about what […]

10 Crypto Slang Terms Explained

A cryptocurrency slang glossary can help you understand various terms and help you sound intelligent when talking about Crypto with others. When talking about how people trade crypto coins, the first words that come to mind are “hodl” and “fork.” There are, however, a ton of other terms that might be new to you. To help you better understand some […]

How to Use a VPN

Have you ever used a VPN? Wait, what is VPN again? A VPN (a virtual private network) is a service that works together with your web browser to encrypt your communications so others can’t see what websites you visit. The good news is that the internet is full of free VPNs, but it’s important to understand the risks before signing […]

Things You Should Know Before Coding

In this day and age, everyone seems to know how to be a programmer, and while coding may not come easy to most of us, everybody in the world knows how to use the software. Anyone can code, but coding is not for everybody. Coding is a skill, and like any skill, it needs to be learned, perhaps from an […]